I was pretty mischievous back in the day; I would cause a huge amount of havoc in the household. Well to keep me under wraps my family would force me to pick a spot, (normally the space of a square tile on the floor) stay in a square and think about what I have done and hopefully repent (which always ALWAYS never work…haha dumbass). Most kids would pick a spot at a corner and face the wall am i right? So why is it a dumb question you asked? POP quiz! if you had to choose between a prison and a prison that comes with TV which would you choose? Stay tuned for part 3 

u serious? ya parent did dat to u?
i normally run away fr canes n hide maself in da toilet, for hours n da family don get to use it. yet i am playin my toys inside, until ma mum's heat is gone.
Haha.. yeah it happens alot. NOTE TO ALL PARENTS: Kids are smarter then you!!!!
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