Thursday, July 3, 2008

Batman Gotham's Dark Knight..... Still fighting the good fight!

Ah… Batman, who could forget?


That long ass cape….. That famous utility belt that has everything but a breath mint and the kitchen sink…..That tight revealing costume (uh it’s a little too tight don’t you think?)…. That lil’ boy that’s always following him around (also in tights)…. And last but not least the smart ass butler Alfred that’s obviously so much cooler then your grandpa…


But before you fans start throwing your bat boomerangs at me, this post is not meant to make fun of our noble caped crusader. Think of it as a warm up for the upcoming batman movie that’s going to launch soon (RIP Heath Ledger… you are like the best Joker so far I’ve seen).

I came across mini series of the Batman saga, its called Batman Gotham Knight. With Gotham’s dark and gloomy settings and cool fight scenes depicting both Batman’s and Bruce Wayne’s inner struggles. Here is a first look at the newly launched Batman mini series. Now the coolest part about this Batman series is the animation is done in the Japanese manga drawings (the way all cartoons should be) its comprised of 6 interlocking series of the millionaire playboy.

Hm…. Ok to sum this up!

Very cool, diehard fans of Batman should catch this flick to get those Batmobile cyclinders firing