The art of Kung Fu is elegant yet deadly. The beautiful art has been handed down from countless sifus, (No I am not going to talk about Kung Fu Panda… Even though it is a good movie). There are many fighting styles to choose from (I am not going to type out all the damn styles so WIKI or GOOGLE it yourself or something. In this post I will like to demonstrate the deadliness of Kung Fu~! (Insert pointless kung fu Hai-yea!!!... or Wa-chor!!!! here).
So after much drinks and alot of pointing (sigh! yes)

I some how Kung Fu-ed this sign post.
Illustration of the Kung Fu move (The Shadowless Leaning On Signpost Move)

The aftermath
aha! you've watched kung fu panda...everyone has watched it except for me... ah~~~
and u seriously slept on the grass? 0.o ahahhahaha...sounds pretty fun in a way..and not being sarcastic.. hah!
don drink n lean... da art is hard to master.
I will keep that in mind thanks haha Jonghui
yeah i was fell to the grass was really pissed drunk that day Rei
pissed drunk, huh...*nodnod* mmmm...
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