Sunday, August 17, 2008

Suddenly Everyone is a Sports Critic!

As the Beijing Olympics draws to the climax of the sporting events, many have much to say about various events that are taking of have taken part. Commenting on how that volleyball player should take that dive or how that table tennis player should serve, we see there is a sudden surge of sports critics rising. It’s amazing to see them dishing out all sorts of crap about a sport they never laid eyes on before “Oh he should spin the other way!” or “WTF?? Why she served it like that”.

Anyway talking about sports, the new team I am supporting Hull City just won their first match!!! Haha… in your face Fulham…. I still don’t know the guy that scored the goal. However winning is winning no matter what the circumstances. Hope they have a club song I can sing too….


Anonymous said...


hull d lor!!!

JarrydNg said...

Not just Hull...But Hull City hahaha

Anonymous said...


P@nD@ Baby KinG said...

Hull City FC is the more correct way...