Mike Myers returns with more coughing and tummy cramps due to laughing. The Love Guru finally hits Malaysian shores (We Malaysian just have to work on our timing...seriously). Anyway great show, bring your inhalers if you are asthmatic and get ready for good laughs.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Love Guru: Words of Wisdom With a Touch of LOVE
Labels: Movie Peek
Posted by JarrydNg at 3:37 PM 7 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Its takes two hands to clap…LEFT and RIGHT
I am a LEFTY and I am proud of it. It’s particularly tough to be born a lefty especially in Asian countries where every single thing is made for the right hand. From the position of the door knob to certain phone models (which one I will not say) almost anything is made to suit the right-handers (RH). You may argue that the numbers of the RH outclass the left-handers (LH) and I will single handedly (probably my left hand) agree.
Of course! This is not my argument here today. I don’t mind RH takes the majority. However you cannot deny the fact that we LH have been taking a terrible beating from you RH. You beat our young when he or she picks up a pen or pencil with the left hand, handshake are for the RH only, a soldier salutes his commanding officer with their right hand finally you label a person two left feet when he or she has difficulties in dancing the list goes on and on.
Why we LH have to take this sort of abuse? How are we a threat to you RH? Why are LH labeled as inferior when compared to RH? We LH have kept silent and took all the all you RH’s abuse. I have witnessed families that punish their young for being natural-born LH. It’s sad and infuriating scene. There is a common and dumb ethic that most Asian families have to abide too, left hands are used to clean your ass therefore it is polite shake hands using your right hand. WTF is that....ever heard of soap?? And the saying two left feet?? Does this mean that if I have two right feet I am the best dancer in the world? I don’t know why not you RH tell me!
So anyway my message to today is, leave us left-lefthanders be!!
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 2:31 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Blog from below (waaaaaaaaay below), The Fallen decides to share!!
A fellow Blogger and a good friend of mine, Calvin Aw will be sharing his artistic expressions and skills (trust me they are good). Brace yourself for the dark arts!! He's larger than life, he's bad and he's probably got a pint of Kilkenny ready. The underworld is not so bad; you might want to make a visit.
Labels: bloggers and bloggerettes
Posted by JarrydNg at 5:41 PM 1 comments
Noses from China are advised to be tilted downward as the 2008 Olympic comes to an end!
You’ve probably watched it on TV or heard it from the news, it’s finally over! As the 2008 Olympic ends, China can proudly say that they hosted the games. With a stunning opening and closing ceremony, they manage to show the world that there are millions of rice eating slant-eye people in the world. There had to be like millions of participants at the birds nest at the time. Shout out to the citizens of China, well done and don’t stop breeding. I've included a LINK to the official website to the 2008 Olympics if you want to check out the pictures.
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 4:52 AM 4 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Oh My God!! They Kilkenny-ed!!
Found a local ‘Irish Bar’ nestled around the shop lots of QueensBay Mall Penang. The place has every possible thing that a Malaysian man can picture what a bar in Ireland will look like. From awesome vintage-looking posters to randomly placed ‘bar decorations’ (If that what it’s called) around the place, O’Reily’s a good place to start if you’re looking for something to drink in the area. A pint of Kilkenny there is ultra smooth (I don’t know why) and superb to the very last drop. This is probably free advertisement for them I know but will be hoping for a free pint.
Labels: Look what i found
Posted by JarrydNg at 12:04 AM 9 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Tandoori Chicken’s Last Stand
After witnessing China’s badminton ace giving ours a good ass kicking, me mates and I headed out to get some grub and catch a footie match or two. It was game night, all the tables were loaded and the big clubs were on. Accustomed to the awful service we get down there, we managed to rope-in a waiter to receive our orders.
Fancied some tandoori chicken, I got me a set! Little did I know, the tandoori chicken wasn’t going down without a fight; As a last ditch effort, the chick left one of its bones at the back of my throat. Hurts like hell right now but I still won the fight. To honor that little chicken that is soon to come out the other way, I dedicate this post to it and all it’s mates that have already gone to that chicken coop in the sky.
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 2:09 AM 8 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Suddenly Everyone is a Sports Critic!
As the Beijing Olympics draws to the climax of the sporting events, many have much to say about various events that are taking of have taken part. Commenting on how that volleyball player should take that dive or how that table tennis player should serve, we see there is a sudden surge of sports critics rising. It’s amazing to see them dishing out all sorts of crap about a sport they never laid eyes on before “Oh he should spin the other way!” or “WTF?? Why she served it like that”.
Anyway talking about sports, the new team I am supporting Hull City just won their first match!!! Haha… in your face Fulham…. I still don’t know the guy that scored the goal. However winning is winning no matter what the circumstances. Hope they have a club song I can sing too….
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 12:48 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
AXE Detailer Shower Tool for men who want to exfoliate
What does a man do when he needs to exfoliate his manly parts? No ordinary girly girl loofah is going to cut it!!! What he needs is an ultra manly testosterone packed, masculine looking "shower tool" which still looks like a loofah (oh~~! the manliness!!!!) The label AXE is a male grooming product that has been around since 1983. Famous for its dirty yet entertaining commercials, (it’s for the guys what’d you expect….) AXE has managed to entice guys to buy just to get laid? Anyway GUYS check out the rest AXE commercials on Youtube I got one right here for the readers as for the GIRLS please dont hate us.
NOTE TO READERS: Its still a F*cking loofah!!!
Labels: Look what i found
Posted by JarrydNg at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bernie Mac dies at age 50
Honestly i don't really know much about the guy but i do remember him from oceans 11 through 13 so Mac if you reading this i hope you are in that big casino in the sky. For the full story click the link.
Labels: Remembered
Posted by JarrydNg at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Fornication Under [the] Consent [of the] King…You!

Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 4:39 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A Hole in the Heart
A hole in the heart (not the medical condition) is a splendid interpretation of mankind’s greed. Remember the famous phrase “The world can feed our need, but not feed our greed”? It horribly depicts man’s endless gluttony of the excess. A negative image no doubt, however it may not necessary be all true. Personally I portray the sin of greed as a driving force which propels mankind towards achievement that pushes all boundaries of the very definition of success. Grasping victory sure is great but what comes after that? Do I just reside just on one conquest?
Today’s post is titled “A Hole in the Heart” is about making a positive shift towards one of the seven deadly sins. I welcome all comments if there are any.
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Pre-Graduation 2008: Ignition
Failing to hold it at a classier place, PSDC (Penang Skills Development Centre) still manages to pull a half pass sh*t of a graduation ceremony out of their asses. Mixed with so many feelings the gang is back in the auditorium again ready to rock the place one last time. So stand tall and stand proud batch 14 its your time to shine! After-graduation party anyone?
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 3:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Nokia 3310 glory days!!!
Ah the good old days…… The perfectly spaced keypad that suits any thumb size….. The elegant lines running around the ever clear monochromatic display…. Brings a tear to my eye when I recall the glory days of the monophonic ring tones…..the notorious ever-growing snake that never seems to stop growing….. The millions of casing options to suit your clothing….. It’s a more of a love affair then just a cell phoneI’m sure the readers today have owned at least one of these babies before. It is one the toughest phones back then and that can still rival most of the current models today. Almost indestructible, these phones have been going strong for some 5-6 years of punishment for the user.
Today’s post is to reflect and honor this noble cell phone and the splendid years of service it has provided us. You guys and girls may share some of your 3310 experience in the comment section.
Labels: Random stuff
Posted by JarrydNg at 4:26 PM 4 comments
Joker: forever immortalized, Batman: Needs cough syrup
Yes!!! Yes!!! i know its late....The late Heath Ledger gave a stunning performance. His performance struck a chord in me; never another actor will capture the essence of The Joker like him (but later realized I better smile before he cuts my face). The irony of the movie is that he has to die in order to achieve immortality. Joining the ranks of the famous Bruce Lee and Marilyn Monroe, his work will forever be imprinted in our hearts. I hope you are in a better place man.
As for the Batman, I was rather disappointed when he came into the scene. A voice that supposedly to conceal Bruce Wayne’s sounded like Batman had to swallow a pound of sand before putting on the his Batsuit.
Labels: Movie Peek
Posted by JarrydNg at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
What do you get when you cross a chick with a soccer ball?......JomJaryn
A fellow bloggerette and a good friend of mine, Jaryn (or Charky….Which ever you prefer) will be blowing our minds with her new blog called JomJaryn. Hope you all will check it out and have fun! Tell her Mr. J sent you... please???
Labels: bloggers and bloggerettes
Posted by JarrydNg at 4:13 PM 7 comments