Saturday, September 6, 2008

You Got NERF-ed!!!

Yeah I know it’s crazy but I think it’s worth a shot. But in my defense I was bored to I got the NERF gun.

I would like to call out all Malaysian of NERF guns owners to step up and be counted. For the rest of you who don’t know what NERF is please go the link I provided (TO THE SMARTASS: yeah I know it’s been around like forever but please give people a chance) Maybe someday Malaysia might have their very first NERF war.

Paintball hurt? , so why don’t you convert?

So here is the first Malaysian headcount (i think). My friend
pandababyking and I. Here is our arsenal. If you are interested in getting a NERF gun in Malaysia please visit your local Toys “R” Us store near you. If there is another source please advice in the comment section.

The FireflyThe Maverick


P@nD@ Baby KinG said...

Please count Marshall!

JarrydNg said...

i dont have a picture of his gun....maybe later i will snap few then update

LUCIFER said...

Wah!!! Nerf War!!!! if got this kind of games i maybe consider get 1 of this!

mtch said...

longshot please..

JarrydNg said...

maybe they might have them in Sunderland's toy shops